Hell Has Frozen Over... It is official; hell has frozen over. This morning it was -3 degrees,... Rohat Fatih
Children of The Corn After a long discussion with the United Rep, I made my way to Des... Rohat Fatih
Mawidge..its whats bwings us togetha today... From Columbia, the first stop was in Massachusetts - to meet Mr... Rohat Fatih
Cartegena and Juice We have finally arrived at our final destination, Cartegena. After... Rohat Fatih
Mitad Del Mundo and More!!! For the first time in about 9 months, we are back in the Northern... Rohat Fatih
5 Days of Fun! Machu Picchu! We did it! We did a 5 day trek over the Salkanty mountain,... Rohat Fatih