Boston Marathon 2014 I am procrastinating studying, and so am finally attempting to write... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Marine Corps Marathon **This is the perfect day for this recap! Happy Veterans Day! Now,... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Boston Marathon I woke up at 5 am and headed over to the Commons to catch the bus... Coğrafya Blogcusu
No Words, Just Pain I don't really have any words.This week has been one of many emotions... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Moving Right Along Today I take my brother and the lady to the airport and this marks... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Nike Women's Marathon I got up at 5 to get on the bus to cross the bay. The bus terminal... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Nike Womens Marathon: Pros & Cons Marathon #3 is behind me now! It was nice to run a race so close... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Change of Pace Before the Santa Rosa Marathon, I was feeling a little unmotivated... Coğrafya Blogcusu