SOUVLA LUNCH - Kamares Club - 1 October SOUVLA LUNCHKamares Club1 October - 1230 to 1500Pork or chicken... Coğrafya Blogcusu
THE KARDS - The Hogshead Pub, Emba - 23 October THE KARDSThe Hogshead Pub Emba PaphosFriday 23 October 8pmTickets:... Coğrafya Blogcusu
OPEN DAY - EMBA PICKLEBALL CLUB - Emba Karate/Dance School - 1 October OPEN DAY - EMBA PICKLEBALL CLUBEmba Karate/Dance SchoolThursday... Coğrafya Blogcusu
THE FRONT LINE BAND with Ian G - The Hogshead Pub, Emba - 16 & 18 October THE FRONT LINE BAND presents IAN G (UK) - with the greatest... Coğrafya Blogcusu
THE VOCAL COUPLE - Temptations Tea House, Geroskipou - 11 October THE VOCAL COUPLETemptations Tea House, Geroskipou, PaphosSunday... Coğrafya Blogcusu
GEORGE BIZIOS JAZZ TRIO - The Hogshead Pub, Emba - 10 October GEORGE BIZIOS JAZZ TRIOThe Hogshead Pub Emba PaphosSaturday... Coğrafya Blogcusu
THE PINK FLOYD LIVE MUSIC SHOW with Ian G and The Front Line Band - The Hogshead Pub, Emba - 9 & 11 October THE PINK FLOYD LIVE MUSIC SHOWThe tribute presented by IAN... Coğrafya Blogcusu
BBQ BRUNCH - The Mulberry Terrace, Mesogi - 11 October BBQ BRUNCH with Matthew EdmondsonThe Mulberry Terrace, MesogiSunday... Coğrafya Blogcusu
DAVEY WOODFORD - The Village Inn, Kissonerga - 17 October DAVEY WOODFORDThe Village Inn, KissonergaSaturday 17 October... Coğrafya Blogcusu
FUSIONIA QUARTET - Markideion Municipal Theatre, Paphos - 21 October Technopolis 20 Classics presentsFUSIONIA QUARTET - Marios Ioannou... Coğrafya Blogcusu