Random Ramblings - The other day I was walking to the bus stop and my bus cruised... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Time is on Your Side I had a nice chat with my Dad on the phone yesterday (while running),... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Currently: July I took my series 7 exam on Monday and it was not the most fun thing... Coğrafya Blogcusu
A Day In The Life It annoys me when people who have not posted in a while start of... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Randoms and Peeves There are a lot of things that annoy me; some of them are organizational,... Coğrafya Blogcusu
What I Learned: Etymology I have been listening to Don't Know Much About History while doing... Coğrafya Blogcusu
Don't Know Much About I am stealing this idea from Lisa, who did a post about things that... Coğrafya Blogcusu