Monday Misc

Monday Misc

My friend Laura is doing a Purposeful Running series, where people talk about why they run. I was lucky that she featured me yesterday! Go over and check it out! To read other people's stories as well, or to submit your story to Laura, go over here!

Mr. Lovely hails from the East Coast, and as you know, I am on the West Coast. So sometimes we find a place in between to meet. This time we headed south for the winter. And are spending some time here.

We are having fun and I will probably talk more about it when we get home! I did make him run a race with me. I ran the 10k and he ran the 5k. It was a good race and he was a good sport! See, here he is; isn't he cute?

Just kidding; that's not him. But isn't that such a cute old man? I have an old man fetish; I think they are the cutest thing ever, especially when they are wearing hats. For real.


Today, for the first time in a long time, I went to a buffet. I quickly remembered why I don't usually go to buffets. Actually, I was pretty proud of myself; I only went up three times: once for salad, once for an entree and once for dessert. I wanted some more ice cream really badly, but seeing Mr. Lovely rolling around in bed later, groaning and clutching his stomach, reminded me that I had made the right decision.

Have you ever seen "My Strange Addiction"? There was a girl on there who had an addiction to drinking gas. There was another who snorted baby powder. In the last 16 years, she has snorted almost 2000 pounds of baby powder. It kind of makes me feel like my need to have the milk on the top shelf of the fridge all the time is not that strange after all. 

My friend Sarah just posted a story about traveling to Africa on WRTR! Check it out if you get a chance! 

Why do you run? Have you ever been in a long distance relationship? Do you have any strange addictions?
Getting Over The Hump

Getting Over The Hump

Everybody likes new music, right? And everybody likes FREE STUFF! No? Huh, well I do. If you like alternative music, I just found out that Urban Outfitters gives away 5 free songs every Monday (you can still download last Monday's songs) and a full album every couple of months.

HERE is the latest album (25 songs). I already downloaded it to make sure it was legit before suggesting it to anyone else. It is! HERE is the previous album (25 songs). This is a great way to test out new bands!! And I like this music! All you need is iTunes.


I have a post over at Women Rockin the Road today about 10 Beautiful Places in The World. Above is a sneak peek. You want to go over there and take a look. They are Beautiful. Some you may know, and some may be new to you. You may have a recommendation for me! You can tell me "where to go" either in the comments here or on WRTR!

Do you have any travel stories? Do you want to write a guest post? Email me if you do! We are looking for writers! 

Speaking of email, it helps me to respond to your comments if you have yours enabled. I am lazy today so in lieu of doing a tutorial, I will direct you to Kim's site, where she shows you step by step how to do this.

Next up this week: 
Thursday - Week 3 of 12 Weeks To Better Photos - White Balance
Friday - Fitness Friday - Race Recap and Tips on Carb Loading, Carnival Style

Now, I have a tiny rant. I am not much of a ranter, so this couldn't be a whole post. If I were Jess or Kim, I would be able to Rock this rant, but I am not. I would be better at making a list about rants, than actually making a rant. Is that what you do to a rant, you make it?

Do you guys comment on people's blogs (a lot sometimes) and never, ever have them respond? Am I the only one who does this? I was just wondering. Because there are a couple blogs where I liked the premise of the blog and I commented a few times a week for a while, and these people never comment on my blog, which I can handle. If you don't like it, I am cool with that. But these people also never even respond with a thanks or a how-do-you-do, not via comments, not via discus, not via email. NADA. And all of a sudden the other day, I thought, wait, WHY am I wasting my time when there are other bloggers and blogs (not to mention IRL folks) who I like better? 

Am I being unreasonable? Do you normally comment multiple times and never, ever, EVER get anything back? If so, do you keep on keeping on or do you drop the person already?

This actually happened to me in real life. I used to send out a bunch (I mean A BUNCH) of handmade Christmas cards every year. They would take me FOREVER to make. And I would write a note on the inside of each one and I would HAND address the envelope (and I do believe, lick the stamp!) And then I wouldn't hear back from people at all. Not a phone call, not an email, not a text, not a letter. NADA. Even the next time they saw me, there was no, "hey, thanks for the card" or "hey thanks for thinking of me". NOTHING. So lately I have been keeping track (yes, I am anal) of who says thank you, who gives something (even just an acknowledgement) back! Screw this giveth and not recieveth. I can only giveth so much to people who are "too busy" for a simple "thank you". Especially when I am busy too and I took time out of my busy day to think of them, to do something for them, to interact with them!

I know I don't always respond to every one, and I don't always respond right away, but I try to respond as much as possible, which I hope means that I am not missing someone completely!

What do you guys think? I know everyone is busy. Should I chalk it up to that? Or are these people just plain rude?

(whoa, okay, not such a "tiny" rant after all)

**whew, I do feel better though**
Fish Are Jumping and The Cotton is High

Fish Are Jumping and The Cotton is High

First, join us over at Women Rockin' The World, Topic: Food, where Sarah talks about Biker Food. Later this week I will talk about Being a Vegetarian in Argentina, the Beef Capital of the World. Don't forget, if you have a travel story, we want to hear it!

And now for our regularly scheduled post. A while ago, my friend Lisa did a post about her childhood and some of the things she remembers for each season. Her first installation was Summer and she invited us to join in. I better jump on that boat before it sails! So, here are a few things, Lisa style, that I remember from...When I Was A Child.

Cousins: Every summer my cousins would come and stay with us and we would do everything together. Even though they annoyed me half the time (especially one, but I am not going to name names), it was great having them around and they were all like brothers to me (and one little sister). We would go to the beach, play board games, watch movies, throw water balloons, annoy each other and do all those other things cousins do.

The Beach: Nope, I did not live near the ocean. However, I was only steps away from the beach at the river! We used to go to the beach almost every day. We would play the white rock game, where you throw the white rock (quartz) into the water and everyone races to get to it first. Whoever gets there first gets to throw it the next time. (We also used to do that with pennies in the pool).  We would build sand castles and bury each other up to the neck in sand. We would have swimming races and contests to see who could hold their breath under water the longest. It was all so much fun!

My brother and I. Notice the beer cans? Good times!
Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Don't ask me why, but this, along with Gulliver's Travels, were our two favorite movies to watch for at least one summer, if not more. I remember being grounded becuase I threw sand at my brother and my two punishment choices were (a) no beach the next day or (b) no movie. I beach the next day! WHY!? I guess it was an instant gratification thing.(p.s. Remember when he makes the mountain out of mashed potatoes? We used to do that all the time!)

Mudballs: We used to have contests to see who could make the best mudball. By best I mean, it has to be very round and smooth and when you throw it, it CAN'T BREAK. If it breaks, you did not make a very good one. There is an art to this, believe it or not. I can't tell you the secret though, or I would have to kill you.

Working: Yup, I said working. My parents used to run a summer resort, with cabins, tubes for rent, a bar, restaurant and general store. Many (MANY) hours of each summer was spent working. I didn't necessarily enjoy it at the time, but now I can look back upon those times and laugh. I remember having to be the tube renter girl. I had to sit with all the tubes and fill out paperwork and take money when people wanted one. It was near the beach. However, I could not GO to the beach, but I could hear everyone else having fun at the beach while I was stuck renting tubes. It sucked.

Reading: When I wasn't working, watching movies with my cousins or going to the beach, I was ALWAYS reading. I remember reading anything I could get my hands on. I would read my Mom's Agatha Christie books. I must have read A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (my favorite) about a million times. I love Laura Ingals Wilder and Nancy Drew and CS Lewis. I read the Sweet Valley High series and all the John Grishams and even my grandma's trashy romance novels (when I was a little older, of course).

Campfires: We used to have a campfire almost every weekend night. We would roast marshmellows and eat s'mores and roast one side of our bodies at a time (oooh my legs are burning! Turn around! Ooooh now my butt is burning!) We would go swimming at night and then go stand at the campfire to dry off and warm up.

Sleeping Outside: The best part of summer is that we used to put a mattress in the back yard and we would sleep outside in our sleeping bags under the stars. We would count shooting stars and tell ghost stories and talk about the adventures we were going to have when we grew up.

The Big City: When I got a little older, I used to go and visit my Aunt and Uncle in the Bay Area and they would take me school clothes shopping and we would go bike around San Francisco. I felt so grown up hanging out with them.

At Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco (Yes, I know my sweatshirt is awesome, but NOT as cool as Uncle's PANTS!)

Ah, childhood. Wasn't it great? What were your fondest memories of your Summers as a child?

Planning, Anger, Onions, and Randoms

Planning, Anger, Onions, and Randoms

You may already know this, but last year, after working 60 hours plus per week for many, many months, I had finally saved up enough to do my favorite thing in the world (no pun intended) -- Travel! 

This time the trip was going to be Around the World. Now, I am a planner and I usually like planning, but have you ever tried to plan a multi-month trip?

Want to hear more about this? Please go over HERE (<---- link) where I have a post up about trying to plan this trip! 

Also for where I went on this trip and others, go HERE
A few of my favorite posts this week from other bloggers: 
Liz, who has lost many lbs through running, talked about running a 30k!
Kate talked about saving money by making lunch.
Cailen is giving away a free cookbook!

This is the book I am currently reading:

click photo to go to Amazon
Nice huh? Actually, it's interesting, in a good way.
It's about women and how they cope with anger in all different situations.
If you want it, I will send it to you when I am done. For real.

ALSO on the same line, I got an Amazon Gift Card and need to know -- what book do I absolutely HAVE to buy next!? Recommendations are in order!

To see more of what I am reading you can check out my BOOKSHELF or friend me on GOODREADS

Okay, I know this is kind of a strange segue, but next up I am going to tell you....

How to cut an onion

You heard me right. I know, we have all cut an onion before. Many of them probably.
And we all Know How To Cut an Onion Already!
But wait! I learned this great way to cut an onion and since then, I am a fired up onion chopper. I am like the bass-o-matic. I can chop an onion in two seconds flat! Okay, maybe not that fast. But pretty fast.

First, cut the onion in half, vertically.

Now, put it flat side down and with what used to be the top of the onion facing away from you, slice the onion like this. 

The key is: Do Not cut it all the way to the end. I repeat: Do Not cut it all the way to the end. Only cut it about 7/8 of the way to the end.

Make the cuts about 1/4 or 1/2 of an inch apart, depending on how small you want your dice. Keep leaving a little bit intact on the end.

It should look like this when you are done.

From the back. See the cuts. They don't go all the way.

Then start slicing it perpendicular to your original cuts.

Like this: 

Keep going until you get to the end. Once you get to the uncut part in the back, I lay the little bit that is left down on it's side and finish it off. BUT be careful. There is now a lot more finger near the knife than there is onion.

If you are looking for recipes, you can go HERE for more.

And now: How to cut your finger.
While trying to take photos and do a tutorial and cut an onion all at the same time, put your finger right under the knife. Duh.

Tip: When cutting the onion, be sure to keep your finger out of the way of the very sharp knife.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Do you have any tips about getting food prep done faster? 
What were your favorite blog posts from the last week?
What book should I buy with my gift card?
Number One , Firsts and Other Randoms

Number One , Firsts and Other Randoms

{1} Today I am over at Women Rockin' The Road, talking about My First Time. Go HERE to check it out.

{2}What is your number one post? Mine is THIS one. Which is funny because it did not get that many comments. But it got the most page hits. And you want to know why? Because people google search things like "locks of love", "chop my hair" and "haircut" and it comes up. If you were to go by number of comments, it would be THIS one. I think. Do you guys know if there is a way to find out which one has the most without having to look at each page list of posts?

{3}I went to the farmers market today for the first time. Why haven't I gone there before? I don't know! All the stuff was so fresh and so good. I bought blackberries, tomatoes, potatoes and peaches. I already ate half the blackberries, a tomato and almost all the potatoes (don't judge - they were small!)

{4} I am thinking about joining a Zumba class once a week but I have never done it before and I am not the most graceful person in the world. Okay, I can't dance and I trip over myself and kick others. Any tips?

{5} If that doesn't work there is also line dancing.

{6} Next weekend I am going home for my friend's 1st birthday party. I mean her daughters 1st birthday party. Obviously. She asked us to make something to put in a time capsule that her daughter can open when she is 16. I am WAAAAY over thinking this. I decided to make something. I am not very confident of my crafting skills. I will probably post (embarrassing, crappy) photos of the "project" after I show it to my friend (I am pretty sure she doesn't read this blog, but just in case).

How is your Thursday going? Are you ready for the weekend yet? DO you have any smart ideas for items to put in a time capsule just in case mine sucks? 
A Method to My Madness

A Method to My Madness

You’ve probably seen the movie Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It’s been a long time since I have seen it, but I remember John Candy trying to get somewhere (for Christmas?) and he has to take all these different methods of transportation. I can relate to that! I thought I would go over a few different weird ways to get around that I have come across in my travels....

...Want to hear more? Head over to Women Rockin' The Road, where I talk about huge mountains, strange animals, hitchhiking, fearing for your life and more! You can also read stories from other women travelers and you can contribute your own!

 Also, if you haven't seen it before, check out my post about 10 Interesting Things that I've seen on the road!

 In honor of different methods of transportation, here are a few examples! 

Egypt - the true MINI van
India - Waiting for the train. 

India - Rickshaw Taxi

India - Fancy Bike

India - "Sleeper" train

Africa - Things you can buy from the bus

Nepal - The porters carry EVERYTHING on thier back!

Nepal - Yak power

Italy - Gondolier
 What is the weirdest method of transportation you have ever experienced? Have you ever ridden on a bus with a chicken? What IS the weirdest animal or thing you have shared a bus ride with?
Vietnam Fun

Vietnam Fun

In case you missed my story the first time, pop on over to Women Rockin The Road, where I am blogging about how I almost got ran over by several motorcycles in Vietnam. While you are there, make sure to check out the How Do You Rock page, where you can find out how to tell YOUR story.

If you have already read that story and want to know more about Vietnam, here I have a few funny signs, for  your Saturday viewing pleasure.

Sooo...they will rub you with some garlic?

Check out number 5.

Dong. Hehe.

Well Kept Your Jewels!

Middle of the Night Escape

Yummy! Hedgehog!

This one is self explanitory

No Buffalo Riding!
Have a good weekend people!
Alone in The Dark

Alone in The Dark

I was by myself in Brazil. My friend had flown to Peru to meet up with his family, my other friend had flown home and I wasn’t supposed to meet up with someone else for a few weeks. I was a little nervous to be honest; I had heard many horror stories.

“Did you know that Salvador da Bahia is the most dangerous city in the world?” some people asked me. “You should NEVER take your camera out with you. If you take your camera with you, you will surely get mugged, or killed!”

“Make sure you try not to act like a tourist. They will rob you for sure.”

“You should never walk around at night, even WITH someone else”.

“You shouldn’t stay in the Pelourinho (the old town). It’s very dangerous.”

I had heard it all before....

You can read the REST of THIS STORY and find out if I survived, on Women Rockin' The Road, a new collaborative travel blog! Please join me over there today!

Also, (you can find more information in this post) you too can contribute your travel stories! Go HERE to find out more.
All The Ladies In The House

All The Ladies In The House

Are you a lady? (Sorry fellas, it’s not about you this time).

Do you like to travel? Do you sometimes travel by yourself?

OR…are you afraid to travel because of horror stories you have heard?

OR…Do you have a horror story you want to tell?

OR…Do you have a tip? An antidote? A happy moment? A scary one?

Do you have any questions?

Well, if you do…I have something for you!

My friend Sarah has started a new travel blog called Women Rockin’ the Road.  She has asked me to be a part of it and I think it’s a great idea. Her and I plan to co-write some stories of our times on the road as women – how sometimes the horror stories your grandma told you are myths…and sometimes they are true but you deal with it.

What we hope to accomplish is a few things: ladies, it is always good to hear other people’s stories to get an idea of what you are up against or in for. Also, we hope to debunk any fears people may have that travel for women is unsafe. We also hope to talk about and figure out ways to get around challenges. And of course, we try to be funny if possible. Don’t we all?

So, please come on over and check out what we’ve got started. 

Also – and this is the most important part. We want YOU to contribute. We will be looking for a person to guest post once a week if possible.

What’s your story?

If you don’t have a story, perhaps you have a question you want to know the answer to.  For instance: where do you go to the toilet in Nepal? Good one! We will be happy to answer anything!

Tomorrow I will be posting about traveling alone in a scary place.... Stay Tuned!