Singapore at Raffles Marina |
Next Desitnation: Langkawi, Malaysia
We apologize to those who regularly come back to our BLOG only to find the same ol’ piece still sitting there. We promise that from this day forward we are going to make an huge effort to be more consistent and to post BLOGs more frequently. Let us take a moment to tell you what we have been up to … in essence our excuse for not posting anything in awhile.
First, you may not have realized that we actually host two other websites – both of which we have been slaving over in the last three weeks. We have pretty much spent the entire month of November attached to our computers; updating, changing, and putting in some pretty cool stuff (and least we think so). Here’s the skinny on these other two websites and what’s new…
Creative Cruising Concepts: This website is mostly dedicated to people getting ready to sail offshore or do some long term cruising. While written from our perspective, two sailors in the middle of nowhere, much of the site is also applicable to people looking to land travel. Traditionally this site has contained information about What Works and What Doesn’t Work in the traveling/cruising life. It also contains some good fishing tips for sailors. New to this site are links to specific products (in our customized a-store hosted by amazon.com), and links to affiliates (merchants) whose products we use and like. These additions really make CCC a great place to go for information and guidelines on gear and gadgets. This site contains an abundance of information ranging from Home Brewing Kits (beer!) to GPS units to laptop computers to camera gear and more. Whether you are looking to cruise, travel, or just curious about what type of electronics we find useful (given that we are just a tad bit geeky), we think you’ll find this site useful.Sail Billabong: Our Sail Billabong site is our main personal website. It contains lengthy journals and hundreds (perhaps thousands) of photographs. We try to update this site whenever we reach a main port with decent Internet. This BLOG is an extension to Sail Billabong, providing journal tid-bits in-between our more extensive website updates. New to Sail Billabong are some fun interactive maps (thanks to Google technology). With these maps you can zoom and pan around the world, following our track, and use the place marks to view our journals and photos.
At the end of 2016 we migrated our SailBillabong site to this blog and migrated some of our mapping technology to google My Maps (see sidebar)
Custom Apparel: In addition to joining the e-commerce world via links to products and affiliates, we have designed some custom cruising, travel, and environmental apparel & accessories. Get shirts, canvas bags, and aprons with Sailing or Go Green designs.
You can check out our Zazzle gallery here, or link to it from our other websites. And all this is just in time for the holidays, haha!!!
If you’d like more information, a good place to get started is our
Help Us Help You page, which has additional details on what we are doing and why, with links out to the supporting pages.
And what’s next? Well, Billabong will finally be on the move again come this weekend. We will quickly travel up the Malacca Straits to Langkawi, and then on to Phuket. We’ll post a BLOG next week, so stay tuned!