Passage Blurbs: Uligan, Maldives to Salalah, Oman
Trip Summary - 1273 nM, 240 Hours, Ave 5.3 Knots
Nautical Miles to Date - 24,885
a very Crowded Area by Container Port

Salalah Oman Yacht Anchorage
Night 10 - Feb 14, 2008
1226 nM down - 45 to go Very Calm and slow - Nice for a change
Night 9 - Feb 13, 2008
1120 nM down - 152 nM to go Woke up with 78 dead flying fish on board

Flying Fish Fiasco
Night 8 - Feb 12, 2008
996 nM down - 277 nM to go Nice Bluefin Tuna for Sashimi Lunch Caught 2 Mahi Mahi and another Small Tuna

The Keeper - Nice 4+ foot Bull Mahi Mahi for the Freezer
Night 7 - Feb 11, 2008
846 nM down - 425 nM to go Calm then Rough - Wind on the Beam Caught small tuna 3 x size of lure
708 nM down - 545 nM to go Wind finally at 70-90 Degrees Caught two Mahi Mahi at once - Too small

Pizza on a rolly boat At least you can check your toppings through the window
Night 5 - Feb 09, 2008
570 nM down - 683 nM to go Bearing off a bit - Still 20nM off course

Small Mahi-Mahi - too rough to clean
Night 4 - Feb 08, 2008
450 nM down - 804 nM to go Still Beating 20 knots. Slightly Favorable Wind Shift - Still 40nM Off Course
Night 3 - Feb 07, 2008
330 nM down - 925 nM to go Still Beating 20 knots w Torn Jib. NE Moonson? Why NNW Winds? UGGH
Night 2 - Feb 06, 2008
205 nM down - 1050 nM to go Still Crappy increased to 25 knots
Night 1 - Feb 05, 2008
75 nM down - 1180 nM to go Crappy Sailing beating into 20 knots