Then and Now: September
I can't believe that September is over already. This month went by 17 times faster than the month of August. I have been very busy with work, friends and running. I was thinking the other day about how quickly time passes and how quickly we forget about some of the things we have done in the past (days/months/years). I also frequently think, "last year at this time I was ____". So, in order to remember the good times and the crazy ones, this is the first episode of Then and Now: The Who, the Where and the What of September 2010 vs 2011.
The WHO:
Last September, I was hanging out a lot with this guy:
To Be or Not to Be... (yes, I made him dress up like that. And I hated that beard.) |
This September, I hung out a lot with these guys:
98 Miles in September (vs. 0 last year!) |
Last September I was here:
Udaipur, India |
This September I was here:
Random, MO |
Last September, I was sleeping here:
Drying out the blanket due to the humidity! |
This September, I slept here:
Not IN the chair, but in this room! |
Last September, I wrote about:
This September, I wrote about:
I can't believe that (insert cliched statement here) last year at this time I was halfway across the globe. It seems kind of surreal to think that now I am back in "real" life, working every day and living the every day life instead of gallivanting about. Weird.
What were you doing in September 2010? How was your month this year? Are you glad (can you believe) it's October already?